Our students are deeply involved in cutting-edge research resulted in 20+ refereed publications and 20+ national-level presentations annually delivered by members of the group. Tsukruk holds three patents and four patents are pending. News, Materials Today, Sensors, Chemistry in Britain, Polymer News, NSF Press Release, and a number of covers in archival journals. Our recent results have been highlighted in popular magazines, Science, MRS Bull., Chem.&Eng. Papers in Langmuir, 19 are ranked as #13 and #57 most cited papers in this journal over the past decade. Illinois, Rice, Iowa State, MIT), Europe (Vienna, Bonn, Marburg, Mainz, Toulouse, Potsdam, Dresden, Nancy, Gomel, Kiev), Asia (KIST-Seoul, Yonsei-Seoul, Nihon-Tokyo, Kyushu-Fukuoka), and Australia (Deakin U.).ġ3 recent papers are ranked within top 1% highly cited papers in chemistry and materials.
Co., GM, Eaton, Honeywell, Alcon, Square D, Agiltron, U. We collaborate with a number of research labs in the USA (Akron, Cornell, Stanford, Arizona, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Clemson, Clarkson, Sandia NL, ORNL, ArgonneNL, Ames Lab, LLNL, AFRL, NRL, Ford Mo.